Each individual has a number of passions, various abilities and skills that they identify or not throughout life. A critical point in which we are determined to reflect more on our personality, what we want or some things we dream of is when we make choices such as: what specialization will we go to high school, which is the right faculty for me, what activities and organizations I could choose for my free time or what job I will choos? When it comes to choosing a career, things seem more complicated than we would expect, and this decision, compared to the ones mentioned above, often causes a kind of anxiety. We have noticed during the last years this fear among the x generation,, of the y generation and obviously, we now have a curiosity about the Z generation, which will mean for this the choice of the professional direction. A common element of the examples presented refers to "Employer Branding", in a free translation, the image of an employer that a company has, but we will explain this notion from several points of view below.Thus, we have chosen in this paper to approach an interesting topic aimed at the labor market, its dynamics, how we become more competitive both as employees and employers, but especially the influence of the concept of "Employer Branding" on attracting talent to organizations. , phrase found in the title of the research. The arguments of the analysis of such a subject are found in the chapters, as follows: besides various theoretical approaches made by Richard Mosley and other authors recognized for their writings in this field, included in the first part, towards the end of the paper we find the practical elements are defining; how do you build a strategy, what are the estimated costs for such actions, and recipes that can make attracting talent much easier.